CT Cooling Tower Apparatus Technical Education Equipment
This equipment has been designed to experience with the construction principles and operational characteristics of cooling towers and it mainly consists of a packed tower of transparent metacrylate.
This unit enables to deepen the following issues:
• Fluodynamics of different packings with different flow rates of air and water
• Measurement of operational parameters in steady-state conditions
• Representation of the state of the system on psychrometric chart and energy balance
• Effect of the packing surface on the approach to wet bulb and on the pressure drops
• Performance with different cooling loads and inlet temperatures

• Rectangular tower of Plexiglas; height of 550 mm
• 3 packings of different specific surface (92, 131 and 235 m2/m3) being included in the tower and easily interchangeable
• Additional water tank of Plexiglas, with capacity of 1 litre
• Centrifugal fan, with max. flow rate of 1340 m3/h and maximum head of 80 mmH2O
• Tank of AISI 304 stainless steel for hot water, with capacity of 9 litres and 3 electric heaters of 500 W
• Pump for water, Qmax = 3 m3/h, Hmax = 5 m H2O
• Switchboard IP55, complying with EC standards and including digital thermostat, fan controls, resistors and ELCB
For Mod. CT only
• 6 digital thermometers with Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD)
• Flowmeter, with range of 20-200 l/h
• Inclined manometer, with range of 0-60 mm H2O
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